Monday, September 17, 2007

Book of "Answers to Life"

I have this friend whom I was VERY VERY CLOSE with, he was like the brother I never had. Let me give you a bit of our background. We went to university together overseas both of us from different countries and he was the first few people I be-friended there. We are VERY DIFFERENT but we got along somehow. Different in characters and interests.

Anyway, I use to ask him all the silliest questions which I know he doesn't have the answer to but I still have to ask. I like many other people would like to either "HAVE" the answers to life or I think, (I could be wrong about this) but like to seek the approval of other people or at least what they think. Use to ask him what is the right thing to do or decide on... So I always tell him this, I wish there is a book of "Answer to Life" where I can flip to the exact page where it tells me EXACTLY what to do so I don't make the wrong decision. Of course the added point would be, if you pick decision A, these are the consequences of your decision. So you would know.

I suppose this is all part and parcel of growing up.(We still are growing up all the time no matter what age we are!) I have attached a quote (2nd quote) from Grey's Anatomy below this blog. We pick the wrong boys/girls to date, we wrong courses to study(have I got a lot to say bout this), wrong route to take in a traffic jam, wrong dinner place to choose and the list is endless. And a lot of these decisions we make has a ripple effect and it affects the next thing that happens.
But sometimes when I think back, certain "WRONG" decisions which I have made, given the chance to do it again I will, cause I would never have learnt my lesson any other way. So my other question which I like to ask people is, "If you could turn back time, what would be the one thing/things you would change?" Alright, maybe I should leave this for another posting. :)

So please share with me, how do you make your decisions?

Quotes from Grey's Anatomy (Meredith Grey)

At some point, you have to make a decision. Boundaries don't keep other people out. They fence you in. Life is messy. That's how we're made. So, you can waste your lives drawing lines. Or you can live your life crossing them. But there are some lines... that are way too dangerous to cross.

"I've heard that it’s possible to grow up, I've just never met anyone who’s actually done it. Without parents to defy, we break the rules we make for ourselves. We throw tantrums when things don’t go our way. We whisper secrets with our best friend, in the dark. We look for comfort where we can find it. And we hope against all logic, against all experience, like children, we never give up hope."


Pike-chan said...

interesting blog u got there... keep it up ya...

SpikeySpikey said...

pikey - Thanks! I like your blog too actually. Added it to my favourites. Please do come back and visit my page. Gets lonely here sometimes, me being beginner and all :)

pinksterz said...

i am curious about what course you are taking? hmmm...

note: saw u on shoutout so decided to pay u a visit! :D

Unknown said...

For a beginner you're doing well :) you've got more readers than I do!!! LoL

SpikeySpikey said...

pinksterz - hey thanks for dropping by. I visited your site too :)

annabel - think my blog is a bit off the shelf, am still learning actually. To be honest, I didn't tell any of my friends bout my blog, so its still anonymous at this moment :)

sharlydia said...

no one can help with ur decisions! u being an adult now shud know when to decide to do what based on your own conscience. u may check with your friends on certain decision b4 making them, but all they could provide is "advice", not decision on your behalf! and we shud all be responsible on what we decided on...

just my 2cents worth...